Mortgage How To Get Rid Of Private Mortgage Insurance You don't need a 20% down payment to buy a home. Forget what your parents…Dana AnghelJune 29, 2016
Mortgage Why you need a NO CLOSING COST loan option when buying a home If you’re already in the market to buy a home in Utah, you’ll nod and…Dana AnghelApril 2, 2016
Mortgage How To Refinance Your Utah Housing FHA Loan Burdened by a high interest Utah Housing FHA loan? If you have a Utah Housing…Dana AnghelDecember 2, 2014
Mortgage Protecting yourself from dishonest lending practices and overpriced loans Will YOUR HOME drain the lifeblood of your finances? Say you decided to purchase a…Dana AnghelJuly 28, 2014
Mortgage 5 Signs You Should Ditch Your Mortgage Loan Officer It’s decided. You are ready to move into a new home. Just thinking about it…Dana AnghelMarch 19, 2014
Mortgage Why we need HARP 3.0 While the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) has done a great job at helping people…Dana AnghelFebruary 10, 2014
Mortgage Rules of the Game: Do’s and Don’ts in the Home Buying Process Before you get started on a loan application, take a deep breath, clear your mind...…Dana AnghelJanuary 19, 2014